

The University of Cauca is an autonomous university entity that is linked to the Ministry of Education, with legal representation, academic, financial, and administrative autonomy and independent assets. It was established on April 24, 1827 by decree from the president Francisco de Paula Santander, in development of the Law of May 18, 1826. It was ratified on November 11, 1827 and its nationalization was certified by Law 65 of 1964.


The University of Cauca is a public institution of higher education created during the birth of the Republic of Colombia.

The University of Cauca, an institution based in tradition and historical legacy is a cultural project that has a vital and constant commitment to social development through critical, responsible, and creative education. The University shapes people with ethical integrity, relevance, and professional suitability. It is committed to the welfare of our society in harmony with the environment.

The University of Cauca generates and shares knowleage in science, technology, art and culture. The university offers a full range of degree programs and pursues a broad agenda of research activities and projects.


The University of Cauca, true to its motto, “Posteris Lvmen Moritvrvs Edat”, (Quién ha de morir deje su luz a la posteridad), has a historical commitment vital and continuing with the construction of a just and equitable society in the formation of a whole, ethical, and solidary individual.


  • Promote the construction and development of a just society that encourages the improvement of quality life for people.

  • Contribute to the students' integral education for the purpose of educating citizens who are able to interact positively in society under ethical and democratic principles that are human rights aware.

  • Develop plans, programs and professional training projects in the undergraduate and graduate levels with high standards and academic quality that effectively helps the sociocultural, scientific, and technological development of the region and the country.

  • Advance strategic coordination and institutional support, in order to articulate the university to the appropriation processes of science and technology, social, cultural, and productive development at a regional, national, and international level.

  • Promote and foster joint strategies and academic qualifications to levels of formal and informal education in order to contribute the meeting of objectives, purposes, and aims as stated by Law 115 of 1994. 

  • To promote, encourage, and strengthen research groups and interaction with academic peers, in order to produce and validate the specific knowledge of science, technology, humanities, art, and culture so that these effectively contribute to solving the environmental problems and improve living conditions.

  • Develop pedagogical projects aimed at creating and strengthening a culture of environmental conservation as well as cultural and historical heritage of the region.


  • The coexistence and tolerance necessary for the attainment of national peace.
  • Honesty and responsibility within the ideological diversity and respect for individual and social rights.
  • The human being values overcoming all forms of discrimination and inequality.

  • Freedom and autonomy, essential principles for training people to decide freely and responsibly.
  • Democracy and participation as part of rule of law that guarantees full individual and social development. 


The University of Cauca, conscious of its commitment to the country and the region in the process of improving the quality of education in terms of values, job training and productivity, the development of thinking, the generation and appropriation of science and technology, set to large institutional purposes as follows:

  • Reaffirm the leadership and the projection of the university in the regional, national, and international context.

Develop plans, programs, and projects for training, research and interaction with the community, academic relevance and quality for excellence and continuous improvement
Build the institutional conditions for the adoption, adaptation, and development of science and technology programs, in order to raise the levels of competitiveness in their educational processes.

  • Strengthen mechanisms for democratic participation in the framework of the principles enshrined by the Constitution and Public Law 30 of 1992.

  •  Leading processes of socio-cultural, scientific, and technological development through the performance of its functions of research, training, and community service; which will lead to the improvement of the living conditions of the population in the region.