General Objective
- Promote and support inter-institutional processes, nationally and internationally, that benefit the academic, scientific, and cultural developments in line with the overall evolution of knowledge from a university with a strong tradition of teaching, to a revitalizing research university.
Specific Objectives
- Participate in various meetings of associations and networks, that the University of Cauca belongs to, which help guide policies and addresses of the Office of Inter- institutional and International Relations.
- Report to the Rector the needs that are recognized by the requests that are made by the university community, which cannot be satisfied by existing agreements.
- Propose and implement the redirecting needed to make the University of Cauca be competitive in relation to inter-institutional and international processes.
- Guide and support actions aimed at the use of the agreements the University of Cauca has with higher education institutions, public and private, national and international.
- Channeling, through the Office of Inter-institutional and International Relations, mobility applications and academic exchange.
- Disseminate information about calls, contests, and scholarships that apply to the different interests of the university community.
- Provide support and academic dissemination, and intercultural research nationally and internationally.