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BCI exchange program at UQAM and ELAP Scholarship

Wednesday, 30 de Mar de 2016

The ELAP Scholarship and the BCI exchange program at UQAM are two different programs


The ELAP Scholarship and the BCI exchange program at UQAM are two different programs. ELAP is a scholarship program from the Canadian government : in other words, it is a financial aid that will help your students financially for their participation in the BCI exchange program at UQAM.

Applying only for ELAP Scholarship will not qualify your students for the BCI exchange program at UQAM. And applying only for the exchange program will not qualify the students for a scholarship. They have to apply for both program separately, but simultaneously.

UQAM is responsible to qualify students for ELAP, but the students have to apply for the exchange program first.

ELAP does not offer courses, but the BCI exchange program does allow your student to take courses at UQAM.

Therefore, the requirements for the 2 programs are slightly different. 

Deadline for exchange program : April 1st (paper application)

Deadline for ELAP scholarsphip : April 10th (digital documents only)


  • AUIP
  • Campus-France
  • DAAD
  • Fullbright
  • JCI