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Staff Mobility


Activities that can be performed:

  1. Academic commission: The academic commissions are awarded for academic field trips, attendance at forums, seminars, conferences, meetings, courses or similar events where the professor represents the university.
  2. Study Commission: The Study Commission is an administrative situation where, people from the staff, under previously defined circumstances, can temporarily stop providing their services to advance in their education or improve their academic knowledge.  This can be done in any moment of their professional career without losing their current status.
  3. Professor Exchange: The University of Cauca offers the foreign and Colombian higher education institution professors the opportunity to have a short stay as a professor or professor’s assistants at the university
  4. International Internship: Colombian or foreign Professors of higher education institutions can develop research projects at the University of Cauca. The length of the projects depends on the work plan for executing.
  5. Academic or Research short Stay: It applies for professors that conduct academic and research activities in universities, institutions, or companies under agreements or development of strategic projects for the University, which contribute to the internationalization of curricula or research development of institutional interests.
  6.  Short courses: it applies to professors that seek specific training or want to update their knowledge in a specific area within strategic project plan of their home universities. This includes summer courses or continuing education that address a specific topic. Its period of duration can be between fifteen days to three months.


  • AUIP
  • Campus-France
  • DAAD
  • Fullbright
  • JCI