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Unicauca formally received Institutional Accreditation

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Foto: Carlos Pérez.

The Minister of Education, Dr. María Fernanda Campo Saavedra formally handed Resolution 3218 of 2013 to the University of Cauca through which institutional accreditation is granted for a period six years. The academic event was held in the Auditorium Francisco José de Caldas in front of the university community and the society in general.

At the ceremony, the Minister highlighted the importance of this recognition in university autonomy, with quality processes in the academic, administrative , research and social outreach.

"With this recognition, the University of Cauca comes to be consider as one of the best universities in the country among the 286 higher education institutions, which means that the university is implementing an academic and research management model", said the Minister of Education, Dr. María Fernanda Campo Saavedra.

She added that the university will have to strengthen in areas such as Masters and PhD training, continue with the processes of inclusion and regionalization, through which the university provides access to higher education to young people from different communities.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Education announced that as a result of the tax reform, 1.5 billion dollars were approved for the next three years to invest in public universities" The first resources come to the University of Cauca in this month, for to $ 4,172 million and for 2014 twice this amount.  The resources will be invested in improving their physical and technological infrastructure" , said the Minister of Education.

She also stressed on the inclusion processes being conducted by the University of Cauca, providing access to higher education to disadvantaged youth populations in situation of displacement, the ethnic minorities and indigenous descent, being a national example .

Finally , she said that with this recognition the university will face new challenges to maintain the optimum level in academics, research and social outreach, while maintaining high quality in the development of its mission.

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Redacción: Área de Prensa (correo: - teléfono: 8209900 ext. 1119).
Edición: Contenidos Web - División TIC

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