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An Empirical Multi-classifier for Coffee Rust Detection in Colombian Crops

TítuloAn Empirical Multi-classifier for Coffee Rust Detection in Colombian Crops
Tipo de PublicaciónJournal Article
Nuevas Publicaciones2015
AutoresCorrales, DC, Figueroa A, Ledezma A, Corrales JC
JournalComputational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015
VolumenPart I
Pagination60 - 74
Año de publicación06/2015
Palabras claveClassifier, Coffee rust, Dataset, Multi-classifier

Rust is a disease that leads to considerable losses in the worldwide coffee industry. In Colombia, the disease was first reported in 1983 in the department of Caldas. Since then, it spread rapidly through all other coffee departments in the country. Recent research efforts focus on detection of disease incidence using computer science techniques such as supervised learning algorithms. However, a number of different authors demonstrate that results are not sufficiently accurate using a single classifier. Authors in the computer field propose alternatives for this problem, making use of techniques that combine classifier results. Nevertheless, the traditional approaches have a limited performance due to dataset absence. Therefore we proposed an empirical multiclassifier for coffee rust detection in Colombian crops.

DOIDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21404-7_5

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