
Nursing students finish their training practices in the context of a pandemic

La Universidad -

Fulfilling all the necessary biosafety protocols, students of the X semester of the Nursing program at the University of Cauca carried out their internships in the municipalities of Popayán, Totoró, Piendamó, Cajibío, Morales, Coconuco and El Bordo.


The practice could be developed as a result of the teaching-service collaboration, between the Nursing program of the University of Cauca, the Municipal Health Secretariat of Popayán and Health Service Provider Institutions located in the municipalities of Popayán, Totoró, Piendamó, Cajibío, Morales , Coconuco and El Bordo, from September 28 to December 1, 2020, in person, where the university guaranteed biosecurity conditions for students.


“The completion of this practice has shown us that the human being is the reason for our work, where the professional, academic and personal challenges that this context has generated, has been an opportunity in the comprehensive training of Nursing professionals who have a humanistic vision and a conception of comprehensive care, "said Adriana Lucía Valdez Fernández, professor from the Nursing Department.


“It has been a very interesting exercise because not only has it allowed us to apply the experience we have lived in our Alma Mater but it has also led us to learn and make visible new elements that decisively contribute not only to the construction of upright professionals but to a social construction that calls for a more humanized, more complete health care and from the environments where life develops, more in a period so transcendental that we have been left to live as a pandemic is, "said the student of the X semester of Nursing, Christian Mauricio Coral Artunduaga who along with Belky Tatiana Unigarro Oliva were in the practice stage of the Municipal Health Secretariat Popayán.


For the students Maritza Dayana Tarapuez Carlosama and Nathaly Rosero Jiménez in the ESE Hospital Nivel de El Bordo practice setting, this is a great step, from the institution to the reality of what the health system means in our country. "In a month of practice we have learned something very important, about the professional profile of Nursing that we want to be and the one that we do not want as an example to follow."


For their part, Anderson Stiven Burgos Quenguan, Angie Gómez and Edward Alexander Meneses Gaviria in the scenario of Practice ESE Center 1 point of care Piendamó stated that the training practice developed despite the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was a significant experience that achieved strengthen and reinforce the clinical and community knowledge acquired throughout the process of their academic training.


"All the interventions that we have carried out in this time were recorded in our memory by involving the use of each of these acquired knowledge, in addition to incorporating positive and negative emotions, strategies and educational interventions that are very important to improve and strengthen learning of nursing care”.


“During my stay at the María Occidente Hospital I have faced many learnings, at this moment I feel more like a nurse than ever, I thank God for choosing this profession, I feel proud of what I have learned and lived during all these years of training, with the firm conviction of moving forward with more love for Nursing”, finally added Yohana Lucia Muñoz Ortiz at ESE Popayán La María Occidente care point.


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Nursing Program
