
Unicauca receives the ‘Luis López de Mesa’ Order from the Ministry of National Education

La Universidad -

For achieving the High Quality Accreditation for two academic programs for the first time in 2019, the Ministry of National Education handed over the Order of Higher Education and Public Faith ‘Luis López de Mesa’ to the University of Cauca.


In a ceremony that took place on December 11 in Bogotá, the Master's programs in Telematics Engineering of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications and the Physical Engineering program of the Faculty of Natural, Exact and Educational Sciences, received from the Ministry of National Education recognition Order of Higher Education and Public Faith 'Luis López de Mesa', for achieving in 2019 the High Quality Accreditation for the first time.


It is a stimulus to recognize higher education institutions and programs that voluntarily undergo the accreditation process and for that purpose it provides for the creation of a special Order that at the same time recognizes and reminds one of Colombian characters who most It has influenced the formation of our nationality.


It should be remembered that through Resolution 7576, the Ministry of National Education granted the High Quality Accreditation to the Master's Program in Telematic Engineering of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, for a period of 8 years, a program in which highlights the development of research projects, the management capabilities that have allowed for adequate infrastructure to work permanently in technology, and the quality of relationship that has been had, allowing students to have co-directors, most of international character allowing academic exchange.


The Master in Telematic Engineering of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications is the first Postgraduate program at the University of Cauca that achieves this recognition of its quality processes.


By its part, the Physical Engineering program of the Faculty of Natural, Exact and Educational Sciences received the Institutional Accreditation through Resolution 8333 of August 9, 2019, for a period of four years, highlighting that the program has levels of sufficient quality reflected in its relevance for the region and for the country, in sectors such as mining, hospital, hydrocarbons, agriculture, food and maritime, amongst others.


It also stands out from the Physical Engineering program, the number of students, the qualification of the teachers, the performance in the Saber Pro Tests, the strategies and extension projects and the prestige of the graduates, among others.


The recognition was given to Professor Miguel Hugo Corchuelo Mora, Director of the Center for Quality Management and Institutional Accreditation, a unit responsible for leading quality processes in the different undergraduate and graduate programs.


More Info:


Center for Quality Management and Institutional Accreditation

Telephone: 8209800 Ext. 1143 -1313

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