
Unicauca’s teacher participates in international course on Logical Framework

La Universidad -

In order to analyze and apply the Logical Framework methodology in the formulation and execution of social order projects, Professor Jorge Enrique Barrera, professor of the Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences participates this week in Santiago de Chile, in the International Course on Logical Framework and Project Execution Management


By invitation of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC, University of Cauca participates in the International Course on Logical Framework and Project Execution Management organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning ILPES and which will take place until Friday, December 13 in Santiago, Chile.


The international course aims to know and describe the methodology of the Logical Framework and apply it to a situation linked to the Management of the Execution of development projects, in addition to applying instruments related to the management of project execution.


To this end, topics such as the steps of the logical framework methodology and its practical application, the design of indicators and definition of verification means, the difference between monitoring and evaluation and the use of the methodology, the performance evaluation of a project, the programming of resources by activity and its cost, were discused amongst others.


"This is a great experience represented in sharing such an important scenario with lending professors and at a moment as short-lived as our countries live in Latin America," said the teacher.


More Info:


Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences

Telephone: 8209800 Ext. 3103 - 3104
