Unicauca trains indigenous community of Totoró in intellectual property issues
Officials of the Division of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Articulation with the Environment, attached to the Vice-President of Research of the University of Cauca, continuing activities that strengthen the presence in the different areas of the department, and committed to the integral human development of the communities, carried out a training with the community of the Indigenous Reservation of Totoró.
"The Governor of Totoró has invited us because our visibility at the departmental level has been very good through the work that the team advances in terms of the management of intellectual property, innovation. On this occasion the community has wanted us to communicate this important issue since it is key, the protection of products, works and other creations," said Jhon Gerardo Yanza, Division of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Articulation with the Environment.
During the day, which took place Thursday, August 10, the central themes were the concepts of Intellectual Property as well as its application from ancestral practices. The agenda included: 'Copyright', 'Industrial property', 'Traditional knowledge', and 'Denomination of origin'.
Jorge López Guzmán, who is also part of the aforementioned unit, approached with the indigenous participants the content quoted from the traditional knowledge.
"It is a theme that has been given for a few years within the academy in everything that has to do with access to biological and genetic resources, but these harnessed from the traditional knowledge that have local communities, mainly communities Indigenous people, "he said.
From there, he argued that his participation in the training began with a discussion about the relationship between the legal and political domains of intellectual property with the cultural and symbolic of traditional knowledge "clarifying some myths that are coming from academia and from some sectors where intellectual property rights are a way of privatizing traditional knowledge."
He emphasized that discussions with the communities were discussed at the academy, but they were invited at the same time to learn about the benefits of protecting traditional knowledge, where Intellectual Property takes a leading role.
More information:
Division of Articulation with the Environment
Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones
Telephone: 8209800 - Ext. 2651