
Unicauca Strengthens Spaces To Address Bioethics Research

La Universidad -

Students, teachers and researchers, both internal and external, participated in the conference held in the Auditorium Francisco Lemos Arboleda of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, 'Why submit a research to an ethical and bioethical analysis? ', conference offered by Dr. Jaime Escobar, Department of Bioethics department, and Doctorate in Bioethics program director at the El Bosque University.

"It is a point of much discussion at the moment in the committees of ethics or bioethics in the investigation that has tradition from times of the Second World War with the Code of Nuremberg and everything that has come here. From that moment with the contributions made by technology, especially biotechnology in association with medicine and biology as a basic science of medicine, ethical problems arise that previously did not live humanity, "said the expert guest.

He emphasized that this branch of ethics, expressed in the bioethics committees, is formed as another multidisciplinary and multicultural entity in which all the issues around the life during the development of scientific studies, as well as of the relations of the man with The remaining living beings.


According to Dr. Jaime Escobar, concerns of bioethics began to extend from the same medicine to the society in general, and therefore is an axis that, from the university with its committees of investigation, must be linked to all fields of study.

"It is a long experience that we have had at El Bosque University since its very beginning because I was the founding dean. It was introduced from the beginning in the other disciplines components of bioethics that relate to the theme of life and what is the contribution from its discipline to bioethics and from bioethics to its discipline, each one has an important role, if it is an administrator, Engineer, has to accounted because as a living organism who thinks about life and death of course," he said.



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