Unicauca, home of the First Meeting for Doctorates in Human Sciences
Photo: Press Area
Participating in the academic activity were representatives from the graduate programs of UNICAUCA, EAFIT University, Medellin; Universidad del Valle, Cali; And the University of San Buenaventura, National University of Colombia, and National Pedagogical University, Bogota.
Through the Academic Vice-President’s Office and the university Communications Center, the University of Cauca held the First Meeting of Doctorates in Human Sciences, Friday, June 2nd, in the Virginia Gutierrez auditoriu, in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
During the meeting the main topic discussed were the practical tasks faced today in Colombia and Latin America.
Among the speakers were Dr. Guillermo Pérez and Jorge Quintero, from the University of Cauca; Dr. Sonia López of the EAFIT University of Medellín; Dr. Manuel Prada, from the University of San Buenaventura in Bogota; Dr. Maximiliano Prada, from the National Pedagogical University, Bogotá; And Dr. Germán Guerrero, from Universidad del Valle, in Cali.
"This meeting aimed to formalize to the academic community the Doctorate in Human Sciences, which opened its first cohort in the current semester. In that sense, we invited the coordinators of doctorates in humanities from different universities of the country to come and articulate their papers on the role of human sciences in the context of the current situation," said Patricia Aristizábal, Coordinator Of the Doctorate in Human Sciences of the Alma Mater Caucana.
According to Professor Aristizábal, it is intended to create an academic community around doctorates in human sciences, that students can also take courses in other universities that may be approved in their programs "that we can make exchanges of curricula, study plans, that we can also mobilize teachers, and have degree directors work in co-tutoring."
Finally, it is noteworthy that in the event framework the Colombian Journal of Education magazine was also presented: by Dr. Maximiliano Prada, of the National Pedagogical University.
More information
Patricia Aristizábal
PhD Coordinator in Human Sciences
Phone: 8240050 - Ext 107
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences