Mauricio's research was evaluated in the first year by a jury of outstanding educators, made up of several international teachers, among them Fernando Moreira of the Portucalense University.
Doctorate student in Electronics Sciences performs research stay at the University of Portugal.
Mauricio Ramírez Villegas, whose work addresses U-learning, learning experiences, and connective learning for virtual higher education.
Ramirez Villegas, who is in his doctoral program at the University of Porto (UPT), is part of the IDIS group of the Department of Systems of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Cauca.
His work 'Model U-learning supported by experiential and collective learning learning for virtual higher education', is led by Phd. César Collazos of UNICAUCA, and Phd. Alexandra Baldaque, from the european University.
Mauricio Ramírez Villegas, who also works as a professor at the National Open and Distance University, chose the portucalense university, among a group of Spanish, French, Belgian and Dutch universities, to conduct his stay, within the framework of his research. Doctoral thesis
during 14 weeks at UPT, Ramírez Villegas, will develop the 'Characterization of the xAPI Standard, connective learning, methodologies and strategies to define the model and disseminate the results in scientific publications', as well as research work on suitable tools that allow U-Learning.
After the stay in this institution, Mauricio Ramírez Villegas will continue with the his research second phase the University of La Laguna, in Tenerife, Spain.
More information:
Department of Systems - University of Cauca
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications
Phone: 8209800 - Ext. 2133