
Professor from Unicauca will present his research results in Mexico

La Universidad -

Olver Quijano Valencia, from the Department of Accounting Science, will present the work EcoNomia, ecoSImías and decolonial perspectives. Elements of visions and practices of economic/cultural difference '

The intervention of the professor will be at the IX Congress of the Latin American Association of Rural Sociology, Alasru that will be held in Mexico City from 5 to 10 October.

According to the professor who is the Coordinator of the Accounting, Society and Development Research Group, the paper is part of the dynamics of reflection developed by the Group, the Master of Interdisciplinary Studies of Development, Improvement Plan Public Accounting Program and the Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Administrative Sciences.

"The academic and intellectual initiative is a battle for the production of specific meanings to a particular phenomenon and from the singular adoption of epistemic-political horizons appealing on one hand, but still insufficient to important theoretical references, and other consideration how such assumptions or require it are located, experienced and practiced, "he said.

Mr. Quijano will participate in the panel discussion 'Decolonization of power, good living and economy in Latin America' on October 8 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, organized by the Institute of Economic Research.

Alasru was founded in Buenos Aires Argentina in 1969, to work on the creation of opportunities for academic interaction in organizations, institutions and researchers who have basically focused on the study of rural sociology and related disciplines as a permanent reference for social action diverse and complex Latin American societies.


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Department of Accounting
Phone: 8209900, ext. 3102