The anthropologist Martin Tenganá Narvaez, graduated of Unicauca and indigenous representative, met with the Rector of the Alma Mater.
The anthropologist Martin Tenganá Narvaez, graduated of Unicauca and indigenous representative, met with the Rector of the Alma Mater.
"We are seeking the support and advice of the University of Cauca for the learning processes of indigenous communities of the department of Nariño" said during his visit.
The purpose is to build bonds of brotherhood and exchange experiences between the institution and the Colombian Southwest communities through inter-institutional agreements between the School of Proper Law, 'Laureano Inampues Cuatín', and the Masters in Intercultural Studies.
Juan Diego Castrillon Orrego has a great vision on the region by looking to strengthen the link between the academia and the communities in Nariño who have great multicultural richness and is strategically close to Ecuador that offers great possibilities and opportunities to both departments.
For more information,
Rectory University of Cauca
Phone: +57 2 8209910
E-mail: rectorí