Unicauca ranks thirteenth among other Colombian Universities based on total scientific production.
According to a report from SCImago Journal & Country Rank, the Alma Mater has 350 publications and an impact factor of 0.79.
SCImago takes into account all the Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America who published at least one paper in the last five years preceding the report.
This time the company created a document ranking 50 Colombian universities in terms of scientific production, taking into account the size, impact, expertise and networks of international collaboration among the institutions.
The report is headed by the National University with a total of 6077 publications, the University of Antioquia with a total of 3118, and the University of the Andes, with a total of 2423, the University of Cauca is placed 13th .
The analysis for the University of Cauca, measures the average quality of the research in relation to the citations of works by other researchers in the scientific communities.
SCImago reports are part of the most comprehensive rankings institutions currently devoted to analysis of the results of research organizations and are supported by databases of scientific production.
The Vice Rector of Research, Mg. Hugo Cosme, said that the classification on the ranking includes the amount of scientific production for a year made by the Latin American universities and the impact of the research on the academic community.
"To the University of Cauca this qualification demonstrates the commitment of our researchers to generate good products from various projects registered in the bank of the Vice-rectory of Research", said Mr. Cosme.
He said that they will be working on improving these indicators. First of all, seeking to write articles in English in order to access to leading scientific journals. At the same time, seeking to improve the quality of the topics to research.
For more information, please contact:
Vicerrectoría Research
Phone: 8209900 , ext. 2633