Unicauca ranks tenth in research in public universities.
In addition, Sapiens Research places the Alma Mater in the 19th position among the institutions of higher education in the country.
The rector of the University of Cauca, Dr. Juan Diego Castrillon Orrego, said that there is a great institutional commitment to the country's intellectual and academic world.
" The expectations of the college students that formed the Center for Research and Services in 1991 and in 1988 established the Research Vice-Rectory for are being fulfilled" said the rector.
He also said that this is recognition for the students who have being working all these years on research projects of national and regional impact on such an important research dimension.
This result reflects not only the work done in research, but also the commitment we have now to strengthen this activity. Research is part of one of the strategic axes of the Institutional Development Plan and building Strategic Plan for the Bicentenary of the University.
He also stressed that the university is working on the implementation of research projects with funds from royalties , which is reflected in the projects for about 80,000 million pesos funded with departmental territorial entities that receive the money.
"We are very pleased with the role they have been performing research groups at the university in the past two months began to run monies Images for science and technology ," stated the Rector .
The University of Cauca, also recently ranked sixth nationally in World Ranking of Universities Webometrics biannual hits .
For more information, please contact
Rectory University of Cauca
Phone: 8209910