
Faculty and students from Unicauca are working to characterize the flora in the Colombian Massif.

La Universidad -

The professors of the Forest Engineering program, Paola Torres and Jorge Ramírez, lead this initiative, which aims for students to strengthen their knowledge in vegetation management, quantitative wood anatomy, and landscape studies.

Last week, the first phase of the Black Oak Management and Conservation Project in the Colombian Massif began. The project aims to characterize the flora, assess its interaction with the landscape and the communities present in the natural forest remnants that host the species Trigolobalanus excelsa in the Colombian Massif.

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The activities of the project, led by Forest Engineering program professors Paola Torres and Jorge Ramírez, aim for students to enhance their knowledge in vegetation management, quantitative wood anatomy, and landscape studies. The fieldwork conducted by students from the Applied Silviculture research group took place over a week in the municipalities of Timaná and Palestina, Huila.

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Simultaneously, the students from the research group are conducting awareness sessions on forest conservation with students from the Palestina Educational Institution. This allows them to strengthen their communication skills through interaction with local communities and also helps bring the University closer to the communities and secondary education institutions.

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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
