The Degree Program in Basic Education with emphasis on Natural Sciences and Environmental Education

The Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis on Natural Sciences and Environmental Education belongs to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Exact, and Education at  the  Supreme Council. The program is part of the requirements of the context and the national Constitution (1991), its regulations regarding special education and Law 115 of 1994, decree 1295 of 2010, resolution 1036 of 2004, and Ten-Year Education Plan 2005-2010 for Colombia. This training proposal meets the requirements that the modernization and internationalization of the economy pose as a basic condition for the full development at the level of the people, the community, and the Nation.

Degree title: Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education with emphasis on Natural Sciences and Environmental Education.

Schedule: Day classes.

Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting. 

Duration: Ten (10) semesters.

Admission: Annual.

Code SNIES: 111043725001900111100


Contact information:

FACNED Building, sector Tulcán.
Suit Nº 203 (Second floor).
Carrera 3ª No 3N – 100 Antiguo Liceo
Tel: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2350

Office of Admission and Registration

Carrera 2 A Nº 3N-111.
Sector Tulcán.
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2179 ó 2191.
Fax: +57 2 8209824 ext. 2198.