
Zero enrollment for Unicauca undergraduate students in the period 2020-1

La Universidad -

The initiative presented by the students related to Matrícula Cero was welcomed at the negotiating table, for which the resources announced by the Cauca Government and the institution's resources will be taken into account, taking into account the current pandemic.


Students from all socioeconomic strata who study the different undergraduate programs at the Universidad del Cauca will be beneficiaries of the Matrícula Cero initiative that presented the student body to the Negotiation Table made up of the Triestamentaria and the University Directorate, which is being carried out to establish aspects related to the development of the academic period 2020-1.


This is how the Facebook Live made by the representatives of students, teachers and administrative staff the previous day was made known, important information that benefits the 16,100 students from 52 undergraduate programs and 4 technologies from the Popayán and Santander de Quilichao offices.


“The University Directorate interpreted that the students cannot pay these costs due to the current situation generated by the pandemic, that is why the analysis was carried out and the resources are guaranteed without underfinancing the university. It is an achievement of the students, not of the University Directorate, by covering all the strata with the resources that the Government of Cauca offered us and with those of the Ministry of National Education through the agreed agreements, "said the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco.


Regarding the extension of this benefit for graduate programs, it was established at the negotiating table to carry out a financial analysis to determine a discount percentage through scholarships, since these programs are self-sustainable.


“Thanks to the installation of a negotiating table that was achieved in the 2018 strike, it was agreed to fully cover the enrollment of undergraduate students at the Universidad del Cauca, as well as a discount for graduate students, with resources from the Ministry of National Education, the Government of Cauca and a budgetary effort by the university, achieving the coverage of the $ 7,695,408,564 required for this achievement, "explained Laura Serna, student of the Social Communication program and member of the Board of Negotiation.


He added that the Enrollment Zero is a bet of the student movement since the beginning of the pandemic, taking into account that for reasons of quarantine many families have not had the same economic income. "In this sense, the National Government is being required to guarantee Zero Enrollment to all students in higher education, as well as guarantees of connectivity, sustainability, among others," said the student.


Likewise, the President of the ASPU Cauca University Professors Union Association, Luis Reinel Vásquez, congratulated the University Directorate for the openness in permanent dialogue with the different classes and referred to the importance of this achievement for society in general, inviting the National Government to provide greater support to public universities, so that this initiative is not only with contributions from the institution, but a lasting national policy.


"In these moments that we are living through the pandemic caused by COVID19, we understand the impact that not only occurs in people's health but in the economy of families, that is why we celebrate that the University Administration has managed and agreed with the classes, bring the zero enrollment to all the undergraduate students, which generates a positive impact on society as well as reducing the dropout rate of the students,”explained the teacher.


The National Union of university workers and employees of Colombia, Sintraunicol, sub-director of the Universidad del Cauca, within the framework of the negotiation table with the university administration, accompanied the student body of the Universidad del Cauca in order to request zero enrollment for all and all unicaucanos students entering the first academic period of 2020, this application is part of the specification presented by the tripartite of which we are part as workers and administrative employees.


“We acknowledge the economic effort of the University of Cauca and the support of Cauca’s Government to be able to meet this demand that benefits students as well as their families. But we also demand that the economic resources for this purpose must be transferred to the national government, which is responsible for guaranteeing that education as a fundamental right is free and of quality and does not affect the tiny resources of the Higher Institution that are already assigned for each academic period. ”, Indicated the Board of Directors, adding that the workers union will continue in the exercise of three-state unity to continue the university demands, but also the social and popular ones.



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