Unicauca’s Internal Control Office promotes campaign against corruption, by a transparent University
The campaign “For a Transparent University: Break the Chain of Corruption” proposes to strengthen the exercise of social control, as a right that contributes decisively to the strengthening of transparency in management and increasing confidence in the actions of university students.
Lucía Amparo Guzmán Valencia, head of the Office of Internal Control explained the objectives and scope of the campaign “For a Transparent University: Break the Chain of Corruption”, which seeks to sensitize the University Community about the harmful impact of the scourge of corruption , about institutionality, the achievement of the objectives of the function, and credibility in university students. “With this, it is imperative that each employee be aware and appropriate their duties in front of public Ethics, whose commitment is more demanding in the context of the mission of a Higher Education Institution,” added the official.
She stressed that Internal Control has a constitutional source and demands that the public function be exercised under principles that guarantee and guide the service to the attention of general interests and needs. “The Anti-Corruption Statute of Law 1474 of 2011 and concordant regulations establish the obligation to formulate an Anti-Corruption Strategy; and the Internal Control Offices, on the other hand, must ensure that their formulation and execution fulfill the aims, especially oriented to the good management and preservation of public resources, to the permanent surrender of the results of the management, to the improvement of the mechanisms of participation and social control, and to the promotion of the values and principles in the servants ”, emphasized the official Guzmán Valencia
This way, a good university employee, in addition to embodying transparency in their actions, must become a seer and a point of management control. At this point the call is to activate, without fear but with a lot of responsibility, the institutional channels: Anti-Corruption Point, which has a direct link with the Office, to facilitate the knowledge of corruption by the Administration, and the promotion of actions prevention, correction, and sanction of those involved, ”he said.
More Info:
Internal Control Office
Telephone: 8209900 Ext. 1362