Unicaucanos at the VII National Congress of Physical Engineering. A positive assessment.
The participation of students and faculty from the Physical Engineering program, with their respective presentations and posters at the VII National Congress of Physical Engineering, concluded with the assignment of the University of Cauca as the host for the 2024 event and the appointment of University of Cauca faculty members to the Board of the Colombian Society of Physical Engineering.
The VII National Congress of Physical Engineering and II Applied Physics, Engineering, and Innovation Conference, held from October 22 to 27 in the city of Manizales, featured the involvement of 25 students and four faculty members from the Physical Engineering program at the University of Cauca. They delivered four oral presentations and presented four poster presentations.
University of Cauca faculty and students made their contributions within the framework of workshops on Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Diffraction, Density Functional Theory, Machine Learning applied to engineering and physics, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Quantum Computing.
At the conclusion of the event, it was decided that the University of Cauca would host the VIII National Congress of Physical Engineering, coinciding with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Physical Engineering program at the University and in the country. Likewise, the new Board of the Colombian Society of Physical Engineering was formed, with University of Cauca professors Diego Fernando Coral and Willfrand Pérez Urbano taking up the positions of Secretary General and Vocal, respectively.
The objective of the event was to disseminate the state of the art of physical engineering in Colombia and the world to the general community, as well as to establish personal and inter-institutional relationships that strengthen the country's physical engineering programs.