
Unicaucan professor is invited editor of important International Magazine

La Universidad -

César Collazos, attached to the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering of the Universidad del Cauca, is invited to be the editor of a special issue on "Infotainment Systems and Intelligent Vehicles" in the Sustainability magazine.


This special edition, which is part of the Sustainability magazine, will focus on topics related to Infotainment System Design (Information and entertainment) in the automotive field. Along with Professor César Collazos, professors Wilson Sarmiento, from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia), who is a graduate of the Doctorate in Electronic Sciences from the Universidad del Cauca; and Professor Huizilopoztli Luna from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico).


“This is a line of growing research, given that the driving process today occupies an important space within people's lives. In this special edition, researchers are invited to submit their work on the design of interfaces for infotainment systems and the design of intelligent systems in driving scenarios, "said Professor César Collazos from the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.


It should be noted that this is one of the lines of work within the IDIS Software Engineering Research and Development Group led by Professor Collazos at the Universidad del Cauca.


Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) is an international, multidisciplinary, open access, academic, environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development. Its aim is to encourage scientists to publish their theoretical and experimental research related to the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities in as much detail as possible to promote scientific predictions and impact assessments of global change and development.


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Cesar Collazos

System Departament
