
Unicauca together with universities from Cuba and Russia organize an international event on Human Computer Interaction

La Universidad -

The event that will take place from December 13 to 17 in London (United Kingdom) is led by Professors César Collazos, from the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering along with Omar Correa (Cuba), Vyacheslav Utochkin (Russia) and Vlada Kugurakova ( Russia).


The University of Cauca in conjunction with the University of Information Sciences of Cuba, Kazan Federal University and Southern Federal University of Russia organize the special edition: Immersive and Interactive Technology, within the framework of the Virtual 13th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (AI , Robotics, Sensors, and Industry 4.0).


The event that will take place from December 13 to 17 in London (United Kingdom) is led by professors César Collazos, from the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering along with Omar Correa (Cuba), Vyacheslav Utochkin (Russia) and Vlada Kugurakova (Russia)


As indicated by the teacher César Collazos, the conference aims to be a forum for discussion and work around the use of immersive and ubiquitous technologies to improve interaction with computer systems, particularly in the industrial sector.


"This event is supported by the HCI-Collab Network: Ibero-American Network to Support Teaching-Learning processes in Human-Computer Interaction at the Ibero-American level, and will work on topics related to Multimodal Interaction, Brain-Computer Interfaces, User Experience in Systems Immersive, amongst other aspects”.


Some of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to prestigious magazines in the field of HCI and Immersive Technologies.


Immersive technology refers to technology that attempts to emulate a physical world through a digital or simulated world, thereby creating a feeling of immersion. It is primarily applied in all areas, including art, entertainment, and video games and interactive storytelling, the military, education, and medicine. As immersive technology becomes widespread, it is likely to invade many other industries.


More Info:


Cesar Collazos

Systems Department Teacher
