
Unicauca research seedbed conducts I Law Students Forum

La Universidad -

The virtual workshops are held from July 20 to August 24 from 6:00 in the afternoon until 8:00 at night. The topics to be discussed are law and gender, environment, medical law, philosophy of law, labor law and social expressions, law and armed conflict, among others.


With the aim of sharing and disseminating knowledge on various current legal issues and socializing the visions and appreciations of the way in which different practices are being carried out around issues of Law, the research hotbed Ethics, Political and Legal Philosophy holds the First Law Students Forum. Legal Practices and Realities, which takes place every Monday from July 20 to August 24, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


“We have decided to hold the event to provide law students at the Universidad del Cauca and other universities in the city and in the country to share ideas and perspectives on law, taking into account that the favorable spaces in this regard are quite limited ”expressed the research team of the Ethics, Political Philosophy and Legal hotbed.


The participants of the conference are law students, as well as professors who lead the different thematic tables. Among the outstanding professors is Vladimir Llano Franco, a renowned researcher from Colciencias belonging to the Cali Free University of Colombia, who has written various books on theories of state and law, globalization, cultural diversity and cultural transformations in Latin America. "The speakers were chosen by their own application, that is, the space was open to the general participation of the students and it was they who showed interest in it to share their research results," explained the members.


The topics to be discussed during the days of the forum are: law and gender, environment, medical law, philosophy of law, labor law and social expressions, law and armed conflict, among others. The organizing team stated that they established these topics as the focus of the sessions since, in general, they are not addressed in depth during their undergraduate studies at the academy, which makes them novel and of general interest, in addition to representing the current reality of the right.


It is important to note that the external participations were carried out thanks to academic relationships and the dissemination of the event on social networks so that students from various universities were able to learn about the initiative and apply. "We consider that this type of alliances are important as they nurture dialogue and academic growth, while allowing the sharing of views from different universities, both public and private in the country, in relation to issues of legal interest," they emphasize.


The hotbed plans to hold the Law students forum as a constant space, annually, where they can share research results and even feel free to socialize their beginnings on the research path from undergraduate.


The next Medicine and Law table will be held on Monday, July 27 through Facebook Live:  and on the Meet platform:


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Seedbed of research Ethics, Political and Legal Philosophy
