
Unicauca Professor Presents Research on Human-Computer Interaction and Collaborative Systems in the United Arab Emirates

La Universidad -

At the invitation of Al Ain University of Science and Technology, Professor César Collazos conducted a research stay from February 19 to 26, where he addressed the future of Human-Technology Interaction, specifically analyzing the rise of new paradigms such as Artificial Intelligence.

“Understanding the right way for humans to feel comfortable with a digital instance, whether we build an empathetic, kind, and comfortable relationship, feel attracted to its physical appearance, its behavior while it interacts with us, or whether we believe it or feel it is lying, is one of the greatest challenges in research on perception applied to human-computer interaction.”

Professor César Collazos from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of Cauca expressed that his research stay at Al Ain University of Science and Technology, which took place from February 19 to 26, was focused on Human-Computer Interaction and Collaborative Systems. He was invited by this Higher Education Institution in the United Arab Emirates.

The Unicaucan professor from the Department of Systems addressed in this brief meeting the work on the future of Human-Technology Interaction, specifically analyzing the rise of new paradigms such as Artificial Intelligence, which will modify the way humans communicate through technology.

César Collazos added that these lines of research are being pursued in the postgraduate programs at the University of Cauca: the Master's in Computing and the Doctorate in Electronic Sciences, as well as within the IDIS Research Group (Research and Development in Software Engineering)

"In this regard, strategies were started to design technology that is increasingly tailored to human needs, which will allow for the development of design guidelines for new technologies," says Professor Collazos.

This is a strategy being developed within the HCI-Collab Network (Collaborative Network to Support Teaching-Learning Processes in Human-Computer Interaction at the Ibero-American level), which is coordinated by Professor Collazos and includes over 40 higher education institutions across Ibero-America.

In the coming days, Professor César Collazos, invited by the University of Granada (Spain), will be giving a series of lectures on these crucial topics for the development of technology from a human-centered approach.

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Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications