
Unicauca is part of the Organizing Committee of the Third International Workshop on Geronomic Technology

La Universidad -

The University of Cauca in Colombia, Extremadura in Spain and Évora in Portugal will hold the virtual event from November 16 to 20, on the use of technology to improve functional capacity and promote healthy aging.


In the coming years, ensuring that the elderly can enjoy the best health conditions will be one of the greatest social challenges. Addressing this challenge will require knowledge about the lives of older people, the management of this knowledge, the provision of quick and concrete answers to their problems, etc. Technology can be harnessed to ensure a better quality of life for the elderly.


With this objective, the University of Cauca in conjunction with the University of Extremadura (Spain) and the University of Évora (Portugal) organize the Third International Workshop on Geronomic Technology (Third International Workshop on Gerontechnology), the virtual event will take place from 16 to November 20, 2020.


Increasing life expectancy presents many opportunities for both individuals and the communities in which they live. Older people can contribute to society in many different ways. However, the extent of these opportunities and the contributions will depend largely on the health of these elderly. In most developed countries, the elderly live their last years of life in relatively good health. Although it is also true that many of the elderly suffer or are at risk of cognitive and physical difficulties.


In the Third International Workshop on Geronomic Technology, the following topics will be addressed: The use of technology to improve functional capacity and promote healthy aging; Health interventions to support caregivers of older people and the effectiveness of public health initiatives and clinical interventions to prevent, reverse or mitigate the decline in physical and mental abilities.


More Info:


Cesar Alberto Collazos
