Unicauca, highlighted in Model of Indicators of Education Performance MIDE
Luis Guillermo Jaramillo Echeverri, Academic Vice-Presidente of the University of Cauca, gave a positive balance after an early meeting in the Ministry of National Education, in which the results of the MIDE Education Performance Indicators were socialized, allowing you to know how they are in terms of quality institutions of higher education in Colombia.
Professor Jaramillo Echeverri indicated that the Ministry of National Education initially made a characterization of the universities and in that sense classified the institutions by areas of knowledge and emphasis of their undergraduate and graduate.
They resulted in four categories: those that guide an area of knowledge and only do it in undergraduate; those that offer two areas of knowledge, equally with emphasis the undergraduate; those that guide from two to four areas of knowledge, which offer not only undergraduates but postgraduates, as masters; and finally, universities that have more than four areas of knowledge and offer their services in undergraduate and postgraduate, with emphasis on doctorates.
The University of Cauca ranked among the eight that are part of the last category since it offers more than four areas of knowledge, and beyond having already 10 doctorates in which it has been strengthened as well as its masters.
"That is already a great achievement, a great pride for our University, but as I said before the High Council, it is a great challenge, the challenge of what kind of services in quality, in infrastructure, in university welfare, in academic content where we can have critical thinking, we are offering our students," said the Academic Vice President.
He also said that these advances also invite us to "think about the type of generation that we will form in the next 10 years in the face of the Bicentennial Plan."
Among the challenges, he stressed that since the Alma Mater should continue to work to strengthen reading and critical thinking, writing, and logical mathematical thinking.
The results of the MIDE by university are published in detail in the portal Colombia Aprende; document that will socialize with the academic community in order to make an interpretation of the data that this tool throws, so as to be able to project strategies of improvement of aspects that merit it and to strengthen the positive areas.
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