
Unicauca held accounts of the validity 2019

La Universidad -

Through virtual and audiovisual media, the University of Cauca held the X Public Hearing on Accountability to Society, with the participation of managers, teachers, students, administrators and graduates.


Taking as a starting point the renewal of the Institutional Accreditation for the University of Cauca for a period of 8 years granted by the Ministry of National Education the previous year, the presentation of the Management Report corresponding to the validity 2019 by the Directorate began University, headed by Doctor José Luis Diago Franco.


 "On behalf of the Directors of the University of Cauca, we present a cordial greeting at the 2019 Accountability. For reasons of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have had to leave our maximum room, which is the Francisco José de Caldas Auditorium, so that from the places of each of the Directors, make a virtual contact and be able to comply with the regulations of Accountability, which is undoubtedly an opportunity to approach the university community and the general public and socialize the achievements of the Plan of Institutional Development: The achievement of the agreement undoubtedly generates confidence in the university community, in the people of the department of Cauca and in the country for our commitments as a University in the training of human talent, "said the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco.



Among the main achievements of the year 2019, the University Director mentioned that it was undoubtedly the renewal of the Institutional Accreditation for 8 more years and the renewal of the ISO 9001 certification from 2015 until the year 2022. He added that with the support of the General System Royalties and the contribution of the Governor at the time allowed to make visible and finance a project that the student community had been demanding, such as that of the University Residences. Likewise, the intervention to the soccer field of the University Sports Center of Tulcán and the athletic track that had not been done since 1977.


“We continue to make progress in the construction of the Citadel in Santander de Quilichao, and regarding the debt we have with the region for running the public University through the regionalization strategy, every day we are closer to the regularization of students from Santander de Quilichao. Which means that from 2019, new students enrolled in that municipality have the same rights as those of Popayán in terms of academic and financial enrollment, "he added.


The rector emphasized that undoubtedly one of the greatest successes in the new model of university governance was the dialogues with the Tripartite Table, where student leaders, university professors and workers discussed the improvement of the conditions of the University and reached agreements to provide of the additional resources, and in that sense he mentioned the two weeks of attachment to university teachers and the subsidy to the enrollment of students in Santander de Quilichao.


"And a very important achievement is that close to 90% of workers improved their salary status, with this we have made significant progress and have generated great confidence in our university community."


In addition, the Research System is more robust, today we have more patents, more research groups classified by Colciencias, more research projects financed by royalties and that is a sign of the maturity of the researchers, their commitment to the University and the region .


The Culture and Welfare System also showed in 2019 a great agenda and the most important was the strengthening of the “Permaneser” program. "Both teachers, students and administrative staff in this place called University are assuming a human face and building social networks in order to guarantee an education committed not only to the peace of the territory, but to a better country and a better society"


“We hope that this Accountability is an opportunity to reach the university community and the general public with our main achievements and our anxieties in this difficult task, which is to form a human talent committed not only to territorial peace but to the cultural, economic and social development of the city, the region and the country,”said the Rector of the Alma Mater in Cauca during his speech.


The 2019 accountability is based on the achievements, goals and challenges in the five axes that make up the Institutional Development Plan 2018-2022 ‘Towards a university committed to Territorial Peace’ which are: Educational Excellence; Strengthening the Quality Management System; Research, Innovation and Social Interaction; Integral Training with Culture and Well-being; and Institutional Strengthening.


In this sense, a general advance of 51.81% was presented over the 20% programmed annually, information that is systematized by the Office of Planning and Institutional Development of the University of Cauca, with the following achievements:


In the axis of Educational Excellence, the following advances stand out:



• The public announcement of a teaching merit contest, which resulted in the incorporation of 26 places.


• The advance in the regularization of the enrollment of the students of regionalization and the optimization of the processes and procedures.


• The Bachelor's Pedagogical Unit project with the review and analysis of the curricular structures, the construction of the training policy in English for Bachelor's degrees, the formulation of research projects, the practice agreements with the Municipal Department of Education.


• Establishment of academic work criteria through Agreement 021 of 2019, defining participation in teaching, research, training and administration of temporary teachers.


• In comparison 2018 to 2019, occasional teachers were hired for 43 weeks, and an additional 11 weeks to finish the II academic period of 2019 between January 20 and April 4, 2020.


• Strengthening the preparation of students for the presentation of the Saber Pro tests with additional courses to reinforce topics of critical reading, mathematics, citizenship training, English, among others. In this regard, incentives for the best scores were approved.


• Organization of academic events with themes related to Human Rights and Territorial Peace, preparation of the cooperation agreement with the Special Jurisdiction for Peace –JEP with the Conversation “Dialogues for citizen participation in the culture of peace of the young people ”, the series of conferences called MEMORY, CONFLICT AND PEACE that is organized from the Integral Social and Humanistic Training Unit - FISH, trainings with courses, diplomas and seminars that CEVAV carried out that involved different municipalities of Cauca.


• A project called: High Level Human Capital National Training-University of Cauca-, was presented to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS), to finance 17 proposals for doctoral theses associated with 7 doctoral programs with benefits in 5 departments of Cauca: Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Guaviare and Putumayo, with an amount of $ 3,211,862,000.


• In the announcement of the National Development Plan 2018-2022, Pact for Colombia Pact for Equity, the University of Cauca presented 40 proposals for master's degrees in research modality.


In the Strengthening of the Quality Management System, the following achievements were obtained during 2019:



• Institutional accreditation and quality certification were the achievements of the academic and administrative quality system, advancing in the implementation of a Quality Management system that harmonizes the guidelines outlined by the CNA National Accreditation Council with the ISO 9001: 2015 requirements. This action goes hand in hand with the team of quality managers, a practice that was recognized by the Ministry of National Education during the First International Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education.


• The increase in the percentage of accredited programs to 33% of those accredited, thanks to the accreditation of the Master's programs in Telematics Engineering (first accredited postgraduate) and the Physical Engineering program. Renewal of the accreditation of the Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering program was also achieved. The University ended 2019 with 20 programs with High Quality Accreditation.


• The renewal of the Qualified Registry for 15 programs was processed and two new postgraduate registrations were obtained: Master in Environmental Engineering and Master in Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering assigned to the Faculty of Civil Engineering.


• Through the Diploma and the course in educational innovations, 58 regular teachers and 98 occasional teachers were trained, going from 36 in 2018 to 192 teachers trained in this subject. In addition, it participated in the Educational Innovations Lab proposed by the MEN with the accompaniment of the EAFIT University.


• In the area of ​​environmental management, with the alliance of the Vice-Rectory for Research, 4 project initiatives were promoted in the strategic lines of Efficient Use and Saving of Water, Solid and Liquid Waste Management and Environmental Education. Accompaniment was also made for the treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous waste; and actions were initiated to achieve certification in the ISO 14001 standard in the short term.



In the axis of Research, Innovation and Social Interaction, the Universidad del Cauca achieved the following results:



• Increase in the number of researchers and research groups categorized in the National Call for the recognition and measurement of research, technological development or innovation groups and for the recognition of researchers in the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation - SNCTeI


• Socialization of the comprehensive policy for research seedbeds, holding a meeting of mentors and coordinators of research seedbeds and the first Research seedbeds camp.


• Approval by the Collegiate Body for Administration and Decision of 5 investment projects financed with resources from the General System of Royalties - CTeI Fund, of 7 projects selected in the bank of those eligible through calls from the Ministry of Science, Technology and innovation for financing by the SGR - CTeI Fund, of 12 external financing projects through different sources of financing and 8 projects in the process of financing through alliances with higher education institutions in the region and the country.


• Participation in the Call Juice of your Colciencias Patent, with the aim of promoting the economic exploitation, commercialization and transfer of technologies, with 5 technologies presented and one selected.


• Printing of 29 titles with the University of Cauca Editorial Seal, including 6 reprints and 2 co-editions. 34 ISBNs were obtained, highlighting 10 books alluding to human rights and territorial peace.


• Visibility of the editorial seal of the University of Cauca: It was possible to go from an h Index of 30 in January 2019 to an h index of 33 to January 2020 and an i10 Index of 58 to January 2020, i10 Index of 68 to January 2020.


• Indexing of the Biotechnology Magazine in the Agricultural Sector


In the Comprehensive Training with Culture and Well-being axis, the results achieved in 2019 were:



• Conducting Intercultural Dialogues in Santander de Quilichao, La Sierra and Popayán.

• The Musical agenda was developed, Unicauca is playing! With the participation of national and international artists.


• A position of ‘Popayán Ciudad Libro 2019’ was achieved, and in the same way “Quilichao Ciudad Libro 2019” was held, with national guests.


• Workshops, talks, trainings, and health workshops for students were held, achieving 922 activities and 112,385 services.


• 85 activities and 2 days of 'Unicauca activa de corazón' and a central week of this activity were carried out in Popayán and Santander de Quilichao.


• In the first semester of 2019 INDEPORTES Cauca held the Regional University Games, an event that was led by the Universidad del Cauca and 5 universities affiliated with ASCUN.


• Participated in the XXVIII National University Games Ascun 2019, achieving the 18th position among more than 100 universities. The total number of medals achieved: 4 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze.


• The Welfare Plans supported events such as welcoming first-semester students in the faculties, intra-faculty tournaments, among other events.


• The Introduction to University Life program was implemented in two Faculties and regionalization.


• The Fair-“EmprendeSer”-Unicauca “Verde” was developed as a strategy that contributes to the construction of a Green University for peace in Cauca.


• With the Institutions that make up ASIES Cauca the Interinstitutional Seminar on Permanence and Graduation was organized and developed.


• The subsidy for student lunches increased from 500 pesos to 1,500 pesos and at the north headquarters, it continued to be fully covered, 67,622 lunches were delivered through the Restaurants.


• 2 new “Universicleta” stations were installed in the faculties of Civil Engineering and Health Sciences to electronically park 12 bicycles in each one, in addition 24 bicycles were manufactured, the management software was installed and adapted.


• Through the “Tramados” Program, the group of Narcotics Anonymous students was created and accompanied, carrying out 110 addiction prevention activities.


• From the Gender program and the Diverse Populations program in articulation with the Academic Vice-Rectory, the process of building a policy for inclusion in higher education was carried out.


• The route of attention to cases of gender-based violence in care and prevention was consolidated, psychological accompaniment was carried out for people who applied for GBV, and actions continued with the mitigation of situations of discrimination, violence and racism that occurs within the university space.


In the Administrative Modernization axis, the results achieved in 2019 are:



• Salary conditions were improved in 90% of the administrative staff, through the reclassification of their positions and the dignification of their functions.


• The Datacenter was awarded and works began to improve the system and physical security mechanisms, in addition to increasing the availability of institutional services, optimizing energy consumption, protecting technological investment, among others. .


• More than 7 billion pesos were invested in the maintenance of movable and immovable property, the maintenance of the university headquarters was contracted for 2,767 million pesos, spaces were rehabilitated in the University Sports Center for 1,274 million pesos and maintenance of equipment for 650 million pesos.


• The process of updating the physical “cadaster” began, codifying 3,636 spaces of the 49 buildings in which the University has been divided. The information was systematized on the E Plux platform.


• Through the Management of Interinstitutional Resources, the approval by more than 20,000 million pesos of the General System of Royalties was achieved, allowing to improve its infrastructure and expand coverage. These resources were invested in projects such as the athletic track in the CDU, ($ 7,762,778,112), University residences ($ 9,551,875,111), University Citadel in Santander de Quilichao ($ 12,985,875,404).


• The approval of the request to modify an item of the Special Management and Protection Plan of the Historic Center of Popayán was managed before the National Council of Cultural Heritage, which allows the continuation of the Construction of the Bicentennial Building.


• The budget drawn up by the nation was executed in compliance with the pension obligations in accordance with Agreement 019 of 2010 and Law 1371 of 2009, ensuring that the University is up to date in the payment of the pension liability in its various forms.


• The transfer of 100% of the documents of the graduates of the year 2019 was made to the Division of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control so that they are part of the academic history of each student.


• Support for the institutional communications system was made, with investment in the modernization of audiovisual equipment and the strengthening of informational spaces. The award for the Unicauca “Al Día” Radio news program stands out on the Night of the Best.



At the end of the X Public Hearing of Accountability to Society, concerns related to financial statements, student desertion, improvement of administrative salaries, welfare services, rankings, among other questions that were answered by the team were resolved.


More Info:


Institutional Development and Planning Office
