
Unicauca graduates take second place in Huawei's ICT Talent Contest

La Universidad -

Alejandra Landinez and Danny Zavid Herrera faced 110 teams made up of 330 students from 39 countries where they obtained the certification as HCIA in Cloud and Networking.


"I am very happy for the pleasant experience of having been able to represent and finalize the podium for Colombia and the University of Cauca in an event of such magnitude where the best ICT talent from other countries competed at the same time," he said. Danny Zavid Herrera, a graduate of the Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications program, who along with Alejandra Landinez, occupied second place in the world final in the ICT Talent Contest, carried out by the Huawei company, with their respective Cloud and Networking teams.


Huawei Information and Communication Technology (ICT): is a worldwide competition sponsored by the company since 2015, where two learning routes are contemplated: The first is Cloud Track and the second is Network Track. This is carried out internationally and offers young people a platform to test their skills and knowledge in new technologies.


“I was struck by having the opportunity to appropriate new knowledge, experience and deepening of technologies related to networking and security in telecommunications networks, as well as taking advantage of the possibility of being able to compete and represent Colombia and the University of Cauca worldwide.”, Expressed Danny Zavid Herrera, winner of the second place in the networking category and member of the Signal Processing Research Seedbed.


The purpose of the competition is to promote the growth of young talents from higher-level institutions related to the field of information and communication technologies, increasing their knowledge and expertise with practical skills in the field of digital technologies highly valued in the ICT industry.


The Huawei ICT competition is developed in 4 phases: the national pre-elimination, the national final, the regional final and finally the global final. The first phase consists of a theoretical exam that assesses the appropriation of knowledge by the participants in the specific topics of each route. The national final consists of a 4-hour practical exam where the 10 participants selected in each route use the knowledge and skills acquired to solve the requirements raised within the exam structure using Huawei technologies.


The regional final also consisted of a practical exam where they also faced other countries such as: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic. The three best-scoring groups from each route continued to the global final. In the global final, a practical exam was also carried out, however, the difference was that each member of the group presented individually a theoretical exam equivalent to 20% of the total score; the result of the theoretical exam for the group was obtained as the average of the grades obtained by each member. The global final was divided into two days, in the morning to present the theoretical exam and in the afternoon to take the hands-on or practical exam. The 3 best groups of each route were chosen as winners worldwide.


For Danny Herrera "There is no doubt that achieving the podium among 39 countries worldwide is a very gratifying reward that reflects all the time, effort and discipline that we dedicate to this great event, skills that allow us to grow and advance professionally".


In this sense, he highlighted the work of the research seedbeds, indicating that the Signal Processing seedbed allowed him to develop analytical thinking, investigate, break down and understand problems from different perspectives. As well as thinking, evaluating and comparing solutions that address these problems; taking into account if these are optimal or on the contrary, they can be solved in another way to achieve better results.


Due to the state of global health emergency due to the Covid-19 virus in mid-March 2020, the competition dates were postponed until further notice, however, given the progress of the pandemic, it was decided to continue under virtual modality for the regional phases and global that were originally intended to be held in person in Panama City and the headquarters of Huawei Technologies in Senchzen, China respectively. The national final was held in the city of Bogotá in the Claro square where Huawei also has offices.


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