
Unicauca establishes exceptional measures for continuity in academic processes of graduate programs

La Universidad -

Students of graduate programs at the University of Cauca will be able to take advantage of measures such as granting time to develop their degree work and options in different research activities with the use of ICTs. The above in accordance with the Committee of each program and its study plan.


The students of graduate programs of the University of Cauca, through Resolution R-0341 of June 18, 2020, may request by reasoned writing the granting of time before the respective Program Committee. The above, for students who are developing their degree work and with current enrollment for the first academic period of 2020.


 This way, Resolution R-0341 establishes exceptional academic measures related to the continuity of academic processes in postgraduate programs in the context of the health emergency and current regulations.


The administrative act proposes that for postgraduate programs that, according to their study plan, establish academic credits related to national or international mobility activities, these may be completed through the development of other research activities such as: research work carried out with national researchers or international through the use of ICT information and communication technology tools, publication of articles in indexed journals, participation as a speaker in national and international events, and / or certification of attendance at international research seminars, which must have made from March 12, 2020.


Likewise, the Committee of each postgraduate program will make the respective analysis to determine the feasibility of granting scholarships to postgraduate students from the budget not executed, as a consequence of the mobility restrictions established in the framework of the current health emergency. Said viability must be in accordance with the criteria established in Superior Agreement 085 of 2008.


Likewise, each Postgraduate Program Committee will determine compliance with the activities scheduled for the first academic period of 2020. If the analysis carried out shows that it was not possible to continue executing the schedule established for said period, the Postgraduate Center will be informed, which in turn will request the Academic Council to suspend the academic period of the respective program.


The academic and financial enrollment of postgraduate students for the first academic period of 2020, in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution, will continue in force once the activities that allow the completion of said period and the postgraduate programs that had delays are resumed. With the execution of the schedule established for said period, you can carry them out at the beginning of the II academic period of 2020.


More Info:


Graduate Center
