
Unicauca builds a return route to academic activities

La Universidad -


In the “Unicauca al Día” Radio Newsletter, the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco, referred to the construction of the return route to academic activities. "Everything depends on the control and progress of the health emergency generated by the Covid-19 pandemic"


"We are complying with national regulations to be prepared for the return, the Administrative Vice-rectory shared with the Deans the first document that the Administration has prepared for this purpose," said José Luis Diago Franco, rector of the Alma Mater caucana, during his interview in “Unicauca Al Día” radio.


In this sense, he added that the protocols are aligned to international conditions that are personal protection with face masks, self-protection with hand washing and body distancing necessarily both in the administrative area and in the academic area.


"In the administrative area, we must continue to insist on teleworking and in the academic area, we must guarantee that in a high-risk space such as the classroom there is adequate distance with the use of masks on a permanent basis."


It should be noted that on June 5, 2020 the Rectory issued Resolution R-329, which adopts the biosafety protocol for the return to face-to-face academic and administrative activities in the facilities of the Universidad del Cauca, framed in the provisions of the World Health Organization, which declared the Coronavirus COVID -19 as a pandemic on March 11 of this year and in the regulations issued by the National Government (Decrees 457 of March 22, 593 of April 24, 2020, 636 of 6 of May 2020 and 749 of May 28, 2020) and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection with Resolution 666 of April 24, 2020, which adopts the general biosafety protocol to mitigate, control and carry out the proper management of the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19.


Likewise, the Human Talent Management Division and the Occupational Safety and Health Area have scheduled trainings for administrative personnel and contractors, with the purpose of publicizing the guidelines that allow mitigating, controlling and carrying out proper management of the virus. The schedule proposes a virtual training by dependencies or functions, which will be compulsory assistance for both administrative staff and contractors.


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