
Unicauca bets on regularization in Santander de Quilichao

La Universidad -

The rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco stated that students enrolled in Santander de Quilichao and Popayán will have the same conditions in their academic and financial enrollment.


We continue to make progress in the University Citadel in Santander de Quilichao, and given the debt we have with the region for taking the public university through the regionalization strategy, regularization is getting closer every day, this means that from 2019 the new Students enrolled in this municipality in northern Cauca will enjoy the same privileges and conditions as students enrolled in Popayán in terms of having the same academic and financial enrollment.


With these words, the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco, during the 2019 Accountability Report that took place on Friday, June 5 and which was broadcast virtually, referred to the regularization of students from Santander.


"The rectory considers that, with the resources committed to the regularization of the undergraduate programs of the North Headquarters in the municipality of Santander de Quilichao, from the mobilization and with its own resources, more than 1500 students from this campus can benefit from January 2021, and we will do so. In this way, what has been agreed from the beginning of the current university administration is fulfilled in advance, ”the University Director told the newspaper El Nuevo Liberal.


Likewise, in an interview to the Unicauca Newsletter on Radio Day, the Rector of the University of Cauca addressed the issue and expressed that the Rectory has already made the decision to accelerate the regularization process with additional resources. "I am very happy, the measure has been well received by the boys in the north of Cauca, it is an achievement of the mobilization and with those additional resources we are going to allocate them to Santander de Quilichao," he added.


In the Newsletter, he also highlighted short-term issues such as biosafety protocols, the proposal for zero enrollment and the Help center. "We are complying with national regulations to be prepared for the return, the Administrative Vice-rectory shared with the Deans the first document that the Administration has prepared for this purpose. The protocols are aligned to the international conditions that are personal protection with masks, self-protection with handwashing and body distancing necessarily both in the administrative area and in the academic area. In the administrative area, we must continue to insist on teleworking and in the academic area, we must guarantee that in a high-risk space such as the classroom there is adequate distance with the use of masks on a permanent basis ”


Regarding enrollment zero, he added that it is a subject that also attracts the attention of the Administration. "You have to look for resources at the local level and it is necessary to make the application respectful given that you have to be consistent, both public and private higher education drives the formal and informal economy in Popayán and many people live on the economy generated by the students"


About the Help Center, "it is a proposal from students to students that allows the University Directorate to get closer, and we are the facilitators in this strategic commitment," Rector José Luis Diago Franco pointed out during his interview.


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