
Unicauca begins training in strengthening skills for conciliation in law

La Universidad -

As of Saturday, August 8, a group of public servants from five municipalities in Cauca, empowered to conciliate according to Law 640 of 2001, begin training on conciliation.


Within the framework of the intervention being carried out by USAID's Justice for a Sustainable Peace program in northern Cauca, in support of the Ministry of Justice and Law; Through the Regional Anchor Actor, the Cauca Chamber of Commerce, in a strategic alliance with the University of Cauca, begins training in strengthening skills for conciliation in law.


 This training is aimed at public servants, empowered to conciliate according to Law 640 of 2001, they are the delegated attorneys, commissioners and family police stations, labor inspectors and inspectors, delegates of the Ombudsman's Office, persons, notaries and civil judges of the municipalities of Santander de Quilichao, Miranda, Buenos Aires, Jambaló and Caldono.


This training process will provide participants with theoretical and methodological elements from the legal and psychosocial field with a view to strengthening their skills in the practical exercise of Conciliation in Law.


It is a “conflict resolution mechanism through which two or more people manage the solution of their differences by themselves, with the help of a neutral and qualified third party, called a conciliator” *.


Conciliation in law is one of the five mechanisms, which together with conciliation in equity, community mediation, intercultural mediation and school mediation, make the Toolbox in conflict resolution mechanisms, a public policy that seeks to reduce unsatisfied legal needs in the territories and constitute a way of facilitating access to justice by citizens, in a free, fast and simple way.


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Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences
