
Unicauca announces the winners of the II Short Story University Contest

La Universidad -

From April 01 to 25, 150 stories were received from students from the convening universities: University of Cauca, Universitary Fundation of Popayán, University of the Valley, North Campus and Unicomfacauca.


The organizing universities present a positive balance of this initiative that seeks to promote reading and writing habits and congratulate the students who stood out in the II Short Story University Contest "My days in times of Covid-19" obtaining the special mentions and first places.


The Culture Management Division attached to the Vice-Rectory for Culture and Welfare of the University of Cauca publishes the list of the winners and the special mentions of the Literary Contest:


First place:


Javier Andrés Pino Rengifo, student of II semester Night Law University of Cauca with the story Gray


Second place:


Fabián Camilo Sevilla Granados, VIII Semester of Anthropology University of Cauca with the story Diary of a misanthrope.


Third place:


Iván Andrés Muñoz Tao, IV semester of Plastic Arts, University of Cauca with the story Rubielilla and Marcelino.


Special mentions


Liseth Daniela Orozco Sánchez of the Human Talent Management Universidad del Valle with the story "The Silent Killer"


María José Ledezma Figueroa, IV semester student of Psychology Popayán University Foundation with the story "Espejo Baldío".


From April 01 to 25, 150 stories were received from the students of the convening universities: Universidad del Cauca, “Fundación Universitaria” de Popayán, “Universidad del Valle”-North headquarters and Unicomfacauca; Four juries and one jury participated in the short story selection process, three of them representatives of the Universities and the other two, external guests.


Thus, on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Through google meet, the students participating in the university contest, the juries and the representatives of the Universities were summoned, the short story contest was closed informing the names of the winners and giving the special mentions. The latter were delivered at the request of the juries.


The Culture Management Division recalls that in times of preventive isolation, the university accompanies the university community by stimulating the use of free time, promoting reading and writing habits, and contributing to their mental health.


More Info:


Culture Management Division
