
Unicauca AESS Collective Boosts Interest in Aerospace Issues

La Universidad -

The chapter led by Sebastián Cajas Ordoñez invites the university community to join this initiative, which aims to facilitate the production of innovative ideas that contribute to the development of the aerospace sector in the country.


Society Aerospace and Electronic Systems AESS, Chapter University of Cauca, is a group associated with the IEEE Student Branch, made up of 14 engineering students and graduates, a professor advisor Andrés Escallón and chaired by the graduate Sebastián Cajas Ordoñez.


The AESS chapter of the University of Cauca has the support of the Francisco José de Caldas Astronomical Observatory and its 360 ° mobile planetarium, as well as the Andrómeda Group. “Our field of interest is the organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration and operation of complex systems for space, air, sea or land. These systems include, among others, navigation, avionics, mobile electric power and electronics, radar, sonar, telemetry, the army, the police, automatic tests, simulators, and command and control”, says the President of the AESS Aerospace chapter.


In addition, it aims among its objectives, to increase the degree of interest and participation of students and professionals in the Aerospace issue in the department of Cauca, increasing their knowledge and facilitating the production of innovative ideas that contribute to the development of the Aerospace sector in the country and the entire world and foster scientific interest in research through educational, social and scientific approach projects.


"We want to establish strategic alliances with public and private entities in the Aerospace sector in Colombia, build a periodic communications scheme for members of society, participate and carry out events, trainings, technical outings and activities in order to acquire and expand knowledge that contributes to the professional development of the members, to motivate the participation of the members in International events such as the Annual Aerospace Conference and the Annual Radar Conference and to promote and disseminate research from innovation projects in the area ”, adds Sebastián Cajas Ordoñez.


This way, we invite you to register to learn about the activities of the Chapter and the requirements to join the team.


More Info:


AESS Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
