
Total welcome and satisfactory balance in II Caucan Beekeepers Meeting

La Universidad -

The II Caucano Meeting of Beekeepers was held on a full-time basis on Saturday, August 5, thanks to the alliance of the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cauca and the Municipality of Totoró, together with other organizations Bee Beings and Asproapit and higher education institutions such as the University Foundation of Popayán, Unicomfacauca, and University of Cauca.

Carmenza López Patiño, University of Cauca professor, and the event organizer, highlighted the great influx of attendees and celebrated the fact that around bee care the productive sector, government agencies and academia were joined.

"It is the university with the communities, it is one of its missionary objectives of the social projection, how the university translates its research results to the communities and how it contributes to that they leave ahead and can have productive developments,” affirmed the teacher.

He emphasized that from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, through the CITBYA Research Group, to which it belongs, a ‘Line of research, innovation and development in beekeeping' is managed under which "we are also working with other colleagues and research groups in the Biology and Chemistry Department, on the subject of bee pollinator conservation, product development, value added, and productivity for communities.”

Even some of the projects, advanced in focus on the strengthening of the Apicultural Chain in Cauca.

The mayor of Totoró, Hilario Sánchez, said that "the central issue is the intersectoral work between the public sector, the honey producers and the honey production. This line is so important and the scientific knowledge that is being given by a species as important as the bees."


He added that from the Secretariat of Agricultural Development, Environmental and Tourism" we have looked at the beekeeping theme through a beekeeper organization of all thermal floors, and progress has been made in organizing and raising awareness. At the moment we are preparing to make an investment in improving the technology for good harvesting and postharvest."

On this joint work, the Academic Vice-President, Luis Guillermo Jaramillo, who attended the event on behalf of the Rector, said that the University of Cauca in this way is increasingly closer to the region to continue to know the ways of production of peasants in Its different modalities, from the research and the training in undergraduate and postgraduate.

"This is key because we think that students are only formed in a classroom when in fact the knowledge of these practices is what allows them is to expand their reference frame and their professional and work horizon," said the manager.

In the first part of the II Caucano Encounter of Beekeepers the conferences, talks and training were realized. In the afternoon, a visit to an apiary was held to exchange knowledge about harvesting honey and the use of its derivatives.

More information:

Carmenza Liliana López Patiño

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Mobile: 3006545253