
Teacher at the Conservatory of Unicauca is an artist of prestigious French brand

La Universidad -

Buffet Crampon, fixes his attention on great musicians of the world to turn them into artists of this famous brand of musical instruments.


In order to integrate its artists from Latin America, Spain and Portugal to perform master classes in virtual concerts and carry the brand name in their presentations and professional life, the Buffet Crampón musical instrument factory in France opened the curtain for offer a pleasant virtual show of music without borders.


Gonzalo Quintero Flórez, a professor of clarinet at the Conservatory of the University of Cauca, who made his virtual presentation this year, is part of the select group of international musicians invited to these virtual presentations by this accredited clarinets company created in France in 1825. Thursday, June 11 at 1:30 in the afternoon, through the Facebook page: Buffet Crampón “América Latina”.


The Magister in Music, Gonzalo Quintero Flórez, began his presentation with “Liebesleid” by the Austrian composer Fritz Kreisler, an original international work for violin and piano adapted to his instrument that he turned into a unique version, performed on bass clarinet. In his recital he also included the cheerful and varied Colombian music from different regions such as corridors, fandangos, bambucos and the Caribbean son.


According to the academic Quintero Flórez, the Alma Máter Faculty of Arts stands out for the high level of its Music teachers, several of them representatives of different brands of musical instruments and accessories, so that the students feel supported and Advised by their teachers to acquire a musical instrument of the best reference and quality.


This bass clarinet player performed several works in his recital, most of them Colombian music, because he considers that spaces like this have a global reach and are conducive to showing the best of Colombian music, which with his instrument he has performed in different countries .


"With perseverance and discipline I have achieved many goals, among others, that the Buffet Crampon brand has put its attention on my work since 2018," said this graduate of the Unicauca Instrumental Music program and Master in Music from the Eafit University of Medellín.


Professor Gonzalo Quintero Flórez, in November 2019 in Monterrey (Mexico), obtained first place in the International Bass Clarinet Competition; likewise, he held first place in the Latin American Bass Clarinet Competition in Lima, Peru, in September 2012; in both contests he was chosen by unanimous decision of the qualifying jury. He has performed on various stages in Spain, Belgium, Taiwan, the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina. In 2015, he founded the Informus Musical Initiation and Training program of the Popayán University Foundation (FUP), which he directs.


Buffet Crampon, has a great history worldwide for its excellent first quality instruments, performed by the most outstanding orchestral musicians, teachers, soloists and bands; also, it has a high range of instruments for students; Now it is part of the Buffet Group as it has integrated prestigious instrument manufacturing companies worldwide.


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Conservatory of Music
