
Spanish University grants Honorable Mention to Unicauca Teacher doctoral thesis

La Universidad -

The thesis “Efficiency and Rankings in university public management. Measurement and comparison models through Data Envelopment Analysis”by Professor Zoraida Ramírez Gutiérrez obtained the Honorable Mention from the University of Valencia (Spain).


On October 29, the defense act was carried out through a virtual conference of the doctoral thesis of the professor of the Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences - Department of Accounting Sciences, Zoraida Ramírez Gutiérrez with the title "Efficiency and Rankings in university public management. Measurement and comparison models through Data Envelopment Analysis”, directed by Dr. Vicente Ripoll Feliu and Dr. Mercedes Barrachina Palanca from the University of Valencia (Spain).


The members of the tribunal Dr. José Manuel Pastor, Dra. Ma. Beatriz González and Dra. Cristina Gutiérrez confirmed on November 30 through the Doctoral School of the University of Valencia the award of the Cum Laude Mention, as the highest qualification and distinction to her doctoral thesis to the professor at the University of Cauca, who was carrying out doctoral studies in Accounting and Corporate Finance.


“Very happy and proud to belong to this great team of people, teachers and researchers. And I hope to continue contributing to reflection and collective construction in the field of management control. Infinite thanks to Dr. Vicente Ripoll and to my admired Dr. Mercedes Barrachina”, said the professor at the University of Cauca.


Regarding the study in question, it aims to address the control systems in Higher Education Institutions of Colombia and Spain with a holistic view, covering the issue of efficiency in public universities and its relationship with world university rankings, based on a multidimensional and multivariate approach that overcomes the methodological limitations, restrictions and criticisms supported in the relevant literature.


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