
In September, the second phase of works begins at the USC

La Universidad -

A positive balance to the infrastructure works that are being carried out in the Tulcán University Sports Center, was delivered by the Administrative Vice-rector, indicating the progress and continuation of the same.



We are on the verge of starting the work corresponding to the second phase, once the Government of Cauca has contracted the supervision of these works. In this way, the Administrative Vice-Rector, Cielo Pérez Solano, indicated the intervention in infrastructure that is being carried out at the Tulcán University Sports Center.


Likewise, the university board announced that the second phase of the works that will be carried out in the CDU, which includes the athletic track, the roof of the bleachers, the pedestrian and vehicular paths and the new lights, was awarded and will begin the first week of September.


“During this phase, 7.7 billion pesos will be invested in resources from the Government of Cauca, financed through the General System of Royalties. Every day we are working for the well-being of the university community, in this case with the USC”, said the Administrative Vice-Rector.


It should be remembered that the first stage of the work was carried out with resources from the University of Cauca, which included the closing of the USC, the new bleachers and the rehabilitation of the soccer field, including its drainage and irrigation system and the installation of Bermuda grass.


Regarding these works, the head of the Sports and Recreation Management Division, Carlos Julián Burbano, indicated that they will favor university sports, not only because of the continuous practice of the different sports disciplines but because next year the University of Cauca will host of the ASCUN Sports National Games to be held in southwestern Colombia, and Popayán will receive athletes from all over the country.


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Administrative Vice-rectory
