
The second version of Popayán Book City met the agenda

La Universidad -

Nine thousand people attended the different activities offered by the second version of Popayán Book City, an event that fulfilled more than 90 percent of the proposed agenda and registered a greater participation from the different publishing stamps of the country.


With massive citizen and specialized public assistance, the second version of Popayán Book City was successfully developed, which benefited 15,000 people with the events they preferred; also, the literary proposal was very wide in terms of academic, literary and poetry books. "We can say that we fulfill the city with this proposal," said the Vice Chancellor for Culture and Welfare of the University of Cauca, Deibar René Hurtado.



He pointed out that both Popayán Book City, and Quilichao Book City, had more visibility this year in the different media at national level, which is important because it highlights the effort that has been achieved in the inter-institutional articulation to carry out this important event.


Likewise, this fair that in 2019 was held between November 15 and 24, was an encounter with literature, philosophy, poetry, journalism, photography and design; Different cultural and artistic expressions were also appreciated, conferences, book presentations, workshops, poetry galas and concerts were held at the House of the Coin Convention Center, where students from colleges and universities, teachers, managers and the community in general, had the opportunity to interact with important writers, novelists, storytellers and essayists.


It was also evidenced that Popayán Book City, is projected as one of the largest events of the Colombian southwest, said Professor Hurtado Herrera, who also said that making an event of this magnitude involves many challenges, but it is an effort that is justified, because it is a project funded by the Ministry of Culture, it also has the support of the Government of Cauca and the Municipality of Popayán.


“It was a strenuous day, but we felt that we accomplished the task and it was also a fair that was held in the context of the mobilization that has been developed at the national level, however we met more than 90 percent of the agenda we had proposed and we hope that this initiative will continue to be one of the most important city events in the region, ”said the Unicauca’s directive.


 He said that last year there was a greater influx of audiences, because it was the first time this book fair was held, which should remain a novelty in terms of its cultural agenda.


The organizing institutions, do not want to make a very large fair, but of quality and warm that people feel it is worth attending, that both writers and exhibitors and the public want to return


"In the DNA of Popayán there is culture, it is a plus that makes it a very attractive city for writers, visitors, sellers of literature and tourists, which was evidenced in the first and second versions of the Book Fair", affirmed the vice-rector of Culture and Welfare of the University of Cauca, Deibar René Hurtado, general coordinator of Popayán Book City, both in the 2018 version, as in the 2019 version.



More Info:


Vice-Rectory of Culture and Welfare

Telephone: 8209900 Ext. 1131
