Public - private cooperation, a challenge for tourism development in Cauca
Within the 10 years of the Tourism program, the University of Cauca held an event to reflect on the importance of planning and articulation in the tourism sector of Cauca.
With a positive balance and new challenges for regional and national tourism, the Department of Tourism Sciences, the Vice-Rectory for Culture and Welfare and the Ideation Seminar on Educational Innovations (SINNE) of the University of Cauca, developed the academic event "Agendas of Cooperation for Tourism Development - Cauca 2030 - Public - private construction spaces ”, which in addition to calling for reflection on the importance of planning and articulation of tourism actors, commemorates the 10 years of program presence of Tourism in our region.
During the event that took place on December 4, 5 and 6, 2019, topics related to the importance of establishing ties and networks of collaboration between the multiple actors of tourism, the strengthening of educational innovation in tourism and museums were analyzed as cultural tourism resources and its management for tourism and had the participation of some of the mayors and mayors elected for the period 2020-2023 of the municipalities of Cauca, such as Cajibio, La Sierra, San Sebastián, Sotará and delegates of municipalities of Popayán , Silvia, Caldono, Sucre, Bolívar, El Tambo, Santa Rosa, Patía, Totoró, among others.
For the researcher of the Rey Juan Carlos University in matters of Governance and collaboration networks in sustainable tourism, Ana Isabel Muñoz Mazón, it is essential to recognize that “Day by day it is essential to increase the degree of cooperation and deepen the interaction relationships between actors to face the challenges of increasing the competitiveness of a destination or sector in an environment where respect for the principles of sustainable development has become the substantial challenge ”.
Trinidad Vacas Guerrero, a researcher on the topic of Museum Tourism Management, appreciated the presence and efforts of cultural managers and museum directors of the city of Popayán, of the University of Cauca and initiatives such as “Las Casas” Museum community “Cosurca”, who have designed a strategy of identity and rural memory in the municipalities of Timbío, La Sierra and Algeria. He also stressed the importance of continuing to work on joint actions that contribute to improving weaknesses that become more complex individually and invited to strengthen their management processes.
An important reflection, by students and teachers of the Tourism program of the University of Cauca, characterized the day developed by Dr. Laura Fuentes Moraleda on the theme of "Educational Innovations in Tourism." His experience in teaching tourism programs made it possible to know the advantages of incorporating innovation processes to teaching practice and to the relationship with entrepreneurs, associations and actors in the tourism sector; as a strategy to strengthen professional skills and improve the labor insertion of graduates of the program. He stressed the importance of entrepreneurship and inter-disciplinary in the teaching - learning processes.
Finally, the ties of inter-institutional cooperation and meeting spaces between the two Universities were ratified, drawing some lines of action for mobility and research projects.
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Department of Tourism Sciences
Phone (+57 2) 8209800 Ext. 3115