
A professor at Unicauca heads the promotion of research in computing in Colombia.

La Universidad -

The Colombian Computer Society appointed César Collazos Ordóñez from the School of Engineering in Electronics who will chair the Chapter I HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in the country.

The teacher was ratified on the board of the Organization on behalf of the Alma Mater, in which there are also representation from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá, the University of San Buenaventura  - Cali, University of Quindío, the Technological University of Pereira, the University Medellin, Colombia Gran Polytechnic and the Autonomous University of Manizales.

"Since the creation of the Organization, the University of Cauca has been participating in the consolidation of purposes, including the unification of the events concerning Computer Science taking place in the country," he said.

The new board was elected at the IX Congress Colombian Computing, an event that took place between 3 and 5 September in the city of Pereira, where Chapter HCI was created with the purpose of promoting the research lines in the areas of computing.

The Chapter of HCI, which is composed of the universities of Cauca, Quindío and San Buenaventura Cali, under the direction of Professor Collazos, will encourage the work in the area, with the integration of the work of the company and the academy around HCI, in addition to organizing events in the area.


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