
Professor César Collazos was part of the Organizing Committee of IMX-LATAM 2020

La Universidad -

The purpose of this Workshop was to bring together a group of Latin American specialists who work around the use of technology to improve experiences by using different interactive media


César Collazos, professor at the University of Cauca and Coordinator of the IDIS Group, together with professors Marcelo Moreno from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil); Rodrigo Laiola Guimarãeses from the Federal University of Espírito Santo Vitória (Brazil) and Sandra Baldassarri from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) formed the Organizing Committee of the Workshop called Interactive Media Experiences in LatinAmerica IMX 2020, an event that took place on Tuesday 16 of June in a virtual way within the framework of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences.


“In this edition there was a wide participation of researchers from different parts of the world, generating an important space for analysis and reflection on the future of Interactive Media. A work plan was defined to generate a research community and to organize another event of this nature next year the event was initially scheduled to be held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, but due to the complex situation of COVID-19, it was held virtually”, stated the professor attached to the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.


The event had the participation of renowned Latin American speakers such as: Cristian Rusu (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso-Chile); Gonzalo Olmedo (Polytechnic School of the Army, Ecuador); Débora Muchaluat-Saade (Fluminense Federal University-Brazil); Raisa Socorro-Llanes (University of Havana - Cuba); and Álan L. V. Guedes (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio- Brasil).


The Latin American research community has been working on proposals for the evolution of audio, video and television services, including interactive media experiences (IMX), multimedia, usability, evaluation of the IMX user experience, under different modalities of service such as digital terrestrial television, Internet protocol television (IPTV), integrated broadband transmission systems (IBB), World Wide Web (WWW), over-the-top services (OTT) and more.


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IDIS Software Engineering Research and Development Group
