
Professor César Collazos is part of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education.

La Universidad -

The event that will take place from March 21 to 24, 2021 in Fortaleza (Brazil), will address issues relevant to open education and Brazilian distance to effectively contribute to the advancement of international knowledge on the issues and their impact on practice.


César Collazos, professor attached to the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the Universidad del Cauca, is part of the organizing committee of the 3rd Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education (WAVE2 2021). The event will be held from March 21 to 24, 2021 in Fortaleza (Brazil), in alliance with the 26th edition of CIAED-ABED International Congress on Distance Education (26th Ciaed), a joint organization with the special commission on Computers and Education of the Brazilian Computer Society SBC and the Brazilian Association of Distance Education ABED.


In this third version, it will have the support of the Technology and Education Chapter of the Colombian Computer Society, of which Professor Collazos is its president; and the objective of the workshop brings together educational researchers, technologists, and experts in a multidisciplinary forum to collaboratively define the various skills, methods, techniques, processes, and frameworks necessary to foster the adoption of learning design and thereby stimulate directed research.


Topics related to Ubiquitous Learning, Social Learning, Intelligent Learning, MOOCs, personalized learning environments, Collaborative Learning among others will be the topics of this important event.


WAVE 2 is a joint organization of the Special Commission for Informatics in Education of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and the Brazilian Association of Distance Education (ABED). Its objective is to gather world-class research that addresses, with a high quality standard, issues relevant to open education and Brazilian distance in order to effectively contribute to the advancement of international knowledge on the issues and their impact.


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Teacher César Collazos
