
Presence of Unicauca teachers at international events

La Universidad -

As guests in broadcasts on social networks and communication platforms, two professors from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications and a professor from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Cauca will participate as speakers on current issues.


At the invitation of the Micaela Bastidas National University of Apurímac of Peru, through the Academic Vice-Rector's Office, Professor César Collazos from the Systems Department of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications will participate in the Webinar 'Education and Evaluation without attendance: challenges and perspectives’, which will be broadcast on the ZOOM platform on Friday, May 29 at 4:00 p.m., Colombia time.


Professor César Collazos will participate on behalf of Colombia, along with teachers Manuel Ibarra from Peru, Ismar Frango from Brazil and Virginia Rodes from Uruguay, all experts on topics related to Virtual Environments.


Similarly, the teacher of the Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, Víctor Manuel Quintero Flórez, will participate on Friday, May 29 at 6:30 in the 5G Forum: Myths, Reality and Future, an event in which they will participate the Engineer Patricia Fierro, expert in digital transformation; the engineer Tulio Sandoval, expert in telecommunications; Germán Ruíz, radiologist and Juan Ceballos, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer. This event will be broadcast on the profile of the graduate of the University of Cauca Cayo Betancourt on Facebook:


 With the slogan 'Know what the investigation of a Colombian in Sweden says', on Monday June 1 at 9 in the morning, the teacher of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Carmenza López, will participate in the Facebook Live' Beyond beekeeping 'by invitation of the Colombian Consulate in Stockholm and the Colombia “Nos Une” program. The transmission will be made on the Colombian Facebook profile MRE joins us:


Professor Carmenza López is a candidate for a Ph.D. in Agrifood at the Public University of Navarra; she carries out an academic mobility exchange at the KTH University in Sweden. The doctoral research that is being carried out is focused on the development of beekeeping processes and products.


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