
Pedagogical Unit of the Bachelor's degrees program is a reality in Unicauca

La Universidad -

The project led by the Academic Vice Rectory seeks to maintain conditions to promote and strengthen a culture of academic excellence.


The Pedagogical Unit of the Bachelor's Degrees is an investment project of the Institutional Development Plan 2018-2022, implemented from the Academic Vice Rectory, which builds and delivers supplies to the academic community that demonstrate the scope of the great goal projected to 2022.


In this way, Paola Sáenz, Coordinator of the Pedagogical Unit Project of the Bachelor's Degrees, exposes the scope of this proposal that by 2022 seeks that the University of Cauca, as an autonomous higher education institution, committed to peace, education and equity will be recognized nationally and internationally for a quality public education reflected in the implementation of a model of university governance and a comprehensive, academic, research (innovation and entrepreneurship) and social interaction system with regional relevance, committed to a post-conflict cultural project with economic and financial sustainability.


“The Pedagogical Unit of the Bachelor's Degree Project is one of the actions implemented within the strategic axis Educational Excellence whose strategic objective within the Institutional Development Plan is to improve the conditions to maintain a culture of academic excellence, which allows the accreditation of the programs through of empowerment, leadership and management of the university community in the face of regional, national and international changes”, she adds.


The Project is part of the Program for the Harmonization of curricular fabric and aims to consolidate spaces for pedagogical reflection, self-evaluation and improvement of the curriculum, research, articulation with the environment and bilingualism, fundamental lines of work for strengthening the formation of graduates, through the articulated work of the Bachelors of the University of Cauca.


In that sense, it raises four lines of work:


Curriculum articulation


The limited mobility of students and teachers within the Bachelor's degrees and the existence of limited interdisciplinary work scenarios can be overcome through the construction of agreements around a common training cycle that responds to the general foundations defined in resolution 18583 of 2017 facilitating interdisciplinary work through formalization of the enrollment of a student in a common cycle course in any degree.


Foreign language training, English, for the strengthening of the Bachelor's degrees


There is a low level of English proficiency development in undergraduate students, which is demonstrated in the low Saber PRO Test scores in the last three years. It is necessary to strengthen the competences of undergraduate students in a foreign language to demonstrate a B1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference) in the English test results.


The practice scenarios and the relationship with the environment


The bachelor's degrees lack a manual or regulation of common practice for graduates in training and the conditions of agreements between the University and local, territorial and national educational entities for the pedagogical and educational practice of graduates in training have not been established. It is strategic to develop articulation strategies between the University of Cauca and the local, territorial and National entities to facilitate scenarios that allow strengthening the skills, knowledge, and abilities of future educators regarding the relevance of pedagogical practice in relation with the context.


The strengthening of research


Achieving progress in the recognition and classification of research groups, requires the consolidation of strategies that encourage the research, national and international mobility of students and professors of bachelor's degrees, publications and participation in networks of international communities in the field of Education and pedagogy.


More Info:


Academic Vice Rectory

Telephone: 057 8209800 Ext. 1115
