
Open enrollment for graduate programs in Unicauca

La Universidad -

The Graduate Center of the University of Cauca discloses the academic calendar and the graduate programs that will be offered for the second semester of 2020.


From August 3 to September 1, enrollment in the graduate programs offered for the Second Academic Period of 2020 at the University of Cauca is open.


The registration values ​​for the year 2020 are as follows:



Specialization: $ 219,000

Master's: $ 351,000

PhD: $ 527,000



The value of the registration fees will not be refundable, unless the University does not start the academic program, for reasons attributable to it.



The Academic Agreement 034 of 2020 in Article three establishes that the enrollment process of the postgraduate programs that will be offered in the II academic period of 2020 will be carried out in accordance with the following academic calendar:



Activity program




-Deadline for applications for Re-entry academic period 2020-2


Until August 3, 2020


-Registration on the University website platform


August 03 to September 01 2020


-Evaluation and admission process in the web registration application


Until September 5, 2020


-Publication of admitted lists


September 07, 2020


-Special cases - Late registrations


Until September 10, 2020


-Receipt of postgraduate admission requirements documents


07 to 14 September 2020


-Regular Financial Enrollment - New Students


Until September 10, 2020


-Extraordinary Financial Enrollment - New Students


September 11, 2020


-Academic enrollment


Until September 11, 2020


-Start of classes


September 11, 2020


-Welcome Graduate students


September 11, 2020


-Academic Enrollment Adjustment


September 15-18, 2020


-End of classes


December 19, 2020


-SIMCA closure for qualification registration


December 23, 2020


-Completion of Academic Period 2020-2


December 23, 2020



More Info:


Graduate Center
