
Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology advances satisfactorily in the analysis of tests by COVID 19

La Universidad -

Forty analyzes to samples sent to determine presence or not of COVID19, are carried out daily by the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology of the Universidad del Cauca, the only one that is processing these analyzes in the department.


We are very satisfied with what we have achieved so far. To date, more than 1,000 samples have been analyzed for the diagnosis of COVID19, an average of forty daily.


This was indicated by the Coordinator of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology of the Universidad del Cauca, Gloria Ávila, who stated that the procedure to carry out this analysis lasts 24 hours for the forty daily samples.


"We receive the samples that are sent to the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology by the Departmental Secretariat of Health, which come from the Laboratory of Public Health carefully in a styrofoam cooler and frozen at a temperature of minus 70 degrees," he explained. coordinator.


He added that once these samples are received, they go through a four-degree thawing process in order to extract the nucleic acid from each one, and from there to the amplification process that is carried out in a thermocycler, equipment that has the Ability to make extensions to the virus nucleic acid so that it can be counted and observed. "In this way, it can be determined whether there is presence or absence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in each of the samples, which produces COVID19," she pointed out.


The results are reported to the system that the National Institute of Health has implemented so that the Public Health Laboratory can deliver the results to patients who have undergone the test by COVID19. It is noteworthy that at the moment only the forty daily samples are being received and processed. The Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology maintains a sample bank for subsequent genetic studies and patient monitoring.



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Faculty of Health Sciences
