
For a healthy planet, Unicauca supports breastfeeding

La Universidad -

"Supporting breastfeeding contributes to a healthier planet," is the slogan of World Breastfeeding Week that is commemorated in Popayán.


With the purpose of promoting breastfeeding to promote health, well-being and strengthen emotional ties between babies and their mothers, the San José University Hospital, the Government of Cauca, the Mayor's Office of Popayán, the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF and The University of Cauca, among other institutions of the public and private sectors, carry out the World Breastfeeding Week.


In this sense, on August 3, 2020, a broad agenda of awareness, education and social mobilization began in order to promote the practice of breastfeeding in the region and generate a culture that favors the healthy growth of children and girls from the department of Cauca.


In this context, various activities that started on August 1 are carried out through discussions, analyzes, exhibitions, knowledge exchange and symposia developed by health professionals in matters such as breastfeeding at COVID, by María Fernanda Canyon; breastfeeding counseling, presented by Gloria Martínez Orozco, certified teacher in processing and quality of human milk; breastfeeding techniques, guided by Ana María Gómez; breastfeeding and sustainable development; Family empowerment in the Kangaroo Mother program. Within this framework of virtual academic dynamics, the IV Regional Breastfeeding Symposium is also held.


According to Gloria Elizabeth Martínez Orozco, professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Universidad del Cauca and coordinator of the Neonatology and Human Milk Bank Unit at the San José University Hospital, breastfeeding for a healthy planet is supported in this event; it also focuses on the impact breastfeeding has on the environment and climate change protecting the planet and creating a healthy ecological footprint.


“Breast milk is a natural, safe and renewable resource, produced by the mother; this practice also avoids the consumption of water, energy, the use of containers, protecting the planet. Breast milk is a living and evolving tissue because the mother produces the food her baby needs according to age and nutritional requirements,”said Gloria Elizabeth Martínez Orozco, a neonatology graduate from University of Valle.


She also pointed out that breastfeeding, in addition to achieving adequate nutrition, establishes a close bond between mother and child that provides emotional stability, contributes to neurological development, and achieves resilient children.


In 1989, the World Health Organization WHO and UNICEF launched the joint declaration on the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, the basis of the initiative of institutions that are friendly to women and children in Colombia; likewise, the WHO promotes exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and after 2 years with complementary feeding.


In addition, the Human Milk Bank of the San José University Hospital continues to provide its service during the COVID 19 pandemic, receiving the donation of human milk, processing and certifying milk quality for recipients. "In this sense, we will continue supporting, promoting and strengthening breastfeeding through education for mothers and the community," said the Unicauca teacher and coordinator of the Neonatology and Human Milk Bank Unit of the San José University Hospital. , Gloria Elizabeth Martínez Orozco.


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Faculty of Health Sciences
